The Latest ‘Just Cause 3’ Trailer Unleashes Beautiful 4K Resolution Explosions

Say, have we mentioned lately that the upcoming Just Cause 3 is going to have a lot of very pretty explosions? Okay, yeah, we’ve been running the explosion-focused Chaos Countdown for weeks, but have we mentioned Just Cause 3‘s explosions today? No? Well, it’s time to remedy that little oversight.

The latest Just Cause 3 trailer is basically just footage of big things blowing up in big ways, which is rad, but not necessarily a new sight. What sets this trailer apart is that you can watch it in eye-popping 4K resolution if you want (and your computer can handle it). Just click the little “Settings” gear in the bottom-right of the video, and set the quality to 2160p. I’m sure I’d have a real-life explosion on my hands if I tried to run a 4K streaming video on my laptop, but if you’re properly set up, this should give your 4K monitor a nice workout.

Keep in mind, if you want to play Just Cause 3 in 4K, you’ll presumably have to buy the PC version and have a pretty beefy gaming rig, as consoles just don’t do those kind of resolutions. Just Cause 3 explodes onto shelves Dec. 1.

(Via Rock, Paper, Shotgun)