‘Just Cause 3’ Is Hiding A Clever Shout-Out To Marvel In Its Game World

Part of the fun of any open-world game is poking around and seeing what jokes the development team hid in the corners of the map. Whether it’s a nod to a beloved sitcom to a reference within a reference under the sea, there’s always something. In Just Cause 3‘s case, it’s a nod to Marvel’s god of abs, Thor.

As you can see from the video, if you know where to look, you can find Thor’s hammer, sitting in a crater. Which in turn raises the question of where this universe’s equivalent of Thor might be, perhaps fighting Lara Croft. Unsurprisingly in a video game where the entire goal is to destroy absolutely everything in the most creative and violent way possible, Rico is not worthy to heft Mjolnir, even if he uses a helicopter, tethering wires and/or explosives. This doesn’t rule out being worthy, at some point, to lift Mjolnir. Maybe you can do it after you blow up everything on the island and whatever enchantment enforces the rules just gives up.

You’ll be able to see if you, in fact, are worthy tomorrow when the game arrives. But if not, it’s not like there’s any shortage of tools.

(Via Kotaku)