This Lakers Fan Switching Jerseys Mid-Game Is A Lesson In Disloyalty

Los Angeles Lakers fans used to get a lot of heat for being fair-weather fans who pull such crap as leaving games early to beat the traffic (although they’ve got competition there from Heat fans), but there are always a couple frontrunners for every successful team. Of course, now that the Lakers have been something besides successful for some time now, those fans left are now probably beyond reproach.

Except for this guy, however. The Lakers were losing to the Golden State Warriors on Tuesday night, because that’s what you do when you face the Warriors, when one fan apparently decided that he’d had enough, and pulled out a Warriors jersey over which to cover his Lakers jersey (which appeared to be a Jeremy Lin #7). How you gonna do the Lakers like that, man?

We try to give people the benefit of the doubt here, but for the life of us, we can’t find any good reason to change jerseys in the middle of a Lakers home game. He was sitting next to someone already wearing a Warriors jersey, so we wonder if maybe he lost a bet? Then again, maybe his friend had just switched before the camera found the pair. Either way, this is a disappointing display.