Marco Rubio Didn’t Seem To Like Obama Visiting A Mosque For The First Time Ever

On Wednesday, Barack Obama delivered a speech at the Islamic Society of Baltimore, which was his first presidential mosque visit. He delivered a speech that revealed letters he’s received from Muslim-Americans, who feel they are “second-class citizens.” Obama says this “doubt and questioning” isn’t helped by the “inexcusable political rhetoric” from GOP candidates like Donald Trump. While Trump was at the height of dropping anti-Muslim statements, Marco Rubio was quick to disagree, saying that Trump’s “offensive and outlandish statements will not bring Americans together.” However, the two candidates appear to have switched sides in recent days.

During Obama’s speech, he stressed how an attack on a single religion is a strike against every faith. The president urged Muslims to “speak up” when they feel discrimination because they have a responsibility to help stop attacks on any American:

“[W]e have to reject a politics that seeks to manipulate prejudice or bias, and targets people because of religion. If you’re ever wondering whether you fit in here, let me say it as clearly as I can, as President of the United States: You fit in here. You’re right where you belong. You’re part of America, too. You’re not Muslim or American. You’re Muslim and American.”

This speech was a powerful one, and Obama listed many instances of discrimination that have come to his attention. Oddly enough, Obama’s visit to a mosque went over well with Donald Trump: “I don’t have much thought, I think that we can go to lots of places. I don’t know if he’s — maybe he feels comfortable there.” Trump shrugged and said, “That’s fine.” Of course, let’s not accuse Trump of going soft. He’s a little preoccupied after becoming a first-time “loser,” which caused him to claim that Cruz “stole” Iowa. Cruz’s invention of the #Trumpertantrum will not help matters.

So, Trump is too distracted to properly bash Obama, but luckily, Rubio is here to pick up the slack. Rubio has forgotten all about his previous desire to bring folks together, and what he said was not pretty:

“[H]e gave a speech at a mosque. Oh, you know, basically implying that America is discriminating against Muslims. Of course there’s going to be discrimination in America of every kind. But the bigger issue is radical Islam. And by the way, radical Islam poses a threat to Muslims themselves. It’s this constant pitting people against each other — that I can’t stand that. It’s hurting our country badly. We can disagree on things, right? I’m a Dolphin fan, you’re a Patriot fan.”

To Rubio, religious discrimination is now about as serious as football rivalries. No wonder Megyn Kelly called him out for flip-flopping on important issues.

(Via MSNBC & Washington Post)

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