‘Dear Deadpool’ Has The Merc With The Mouth Offering Etiquette Advice

There have been many people America has turned to for advice. Erma Bombeck, Abby Van Buren, Rick Ross, Emily Post, titans in the advice field all, if sometimes a little behind on pop culture. Missing from that list is Wade Wilson, and as the video above shows, for excellent reason.

Mostly this is an excuse for Ryan Reynolds, in character, to make TJ Miller miserable as he offers the worst conceivable advice for social situations ranging from tactful Thanksgivings to dealing with the neighbors. It’s not entirely clear whether Deadpool is having a bad spell, or he just wants to torture Weasel, but really both are valid reasons.

That said, we wish Marvel actually would run an advice column out of the back of Deadpool comics. Why not? If anybody would hijack his own letters column, it’d be Wade, and we’re sure his readers could use the counsel of a man who once ramped a scooter off a skyscraper into a CEO’s office solely because it seemed like a good idea at the time. Has Dan Savage ever done that? Can you really trust anybody who hasn’t done that with making valuable life decisions for you? We think not.

(Via YouTube)

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