A Donald Trump ‘Fan’ Apparently Trolled A Newspaper Reporter Gloriously When He Was Interviewed

Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Warren, Michigan
Getty Image

Here’s a common scenario: A newspaper reporter dutifully attends and writes up a Donald Trump rally in his employer’s area of coverage. Here’s what’s less common: Some jerk-off 19-year-old (probably — also see what I did there?) trolls him with the name he gives.

The 19-year-old (if that’s even his real age!) seemed pretty media savvy. His quote of Trump as a “hardworking, smart individual that wants the best for all people in this country that are allowed to be here,” appears in this Baltimore Sun article’s third paragraph.

His name? Jack… Jack Mehoff. Yep, that’s what it sounds like.

Because everybody on the internet is 12 years old, Twitter quickly picked up on the probably-not-so-real name.


As Mediaite points out, the copy editors are now on it!

Mediaite also notes that the writer also quoted Cassie Hibble and Gabby Franks, which are apparently absurd names as well.

Here’s a mea culpa from the article’s writer, Ian Duncan, anyway:

He didn’t get the supporter’s phone number? I don’t blame him. Reporting at a Trump rally is already stressful enough.

But here’s the deputy social-media editor at the Daily Beast, here to ruin our fun:

Trump fans, don’t send Jack Mehoff any death threats, okay?

(Via Baltimore Sun and Mediaite)