Lifetime Is Prepping A Britney Spears TV Movie

Lifetime is finally getting around to cranking out a TV movie dedicated to the “tumultuous true story” of Britney Spears because, um, why not? If it means seeing Britney and Kevin: Chaotic reruns pop up somewhere, we’ll do anything we can to help.

As revealed by The Hollywood Reporter, the cable outlet that previously gave us unauthorized takes on Full House and Beverly Hills 90210 will now turn its attention to serving up a Britney Spears cable movie. While we would have been quite happy with a movie that was just about Spears’ relationship with the chair in the “Stronger” video, this entertainment offering will explore a number of different aspects from the singer’s life. Her career, her marriages, her public downfall, and her efforts to regain control of her career are the main boxes you can expect ticked.

Natasha Bassett (who you may know from Hail, Caesar!) has been tapped to play the world famous Mouseketeer turned music icon, although we can forgive you if you’re already imagining an actor being fitted for a Justin Timberlake wig instead. The Jason Alexander casting should be fun too, but imagine the work Lifetime’s wig guru is putting in right now. Godspeed.

(Via The Hollywood Reporter)