Eric Trump Couldn’t Stop Fixating On The Word ‘Tremendous’ While Discussing His Father’s Taxes

After the vice presidential debate, Eric Trump stopped by the CNN desk to chat with the anchors about the event. In what started as an analysis of the debate, the situation quickly turned into an interrogation about Donald Trump’s taxes, and Eric seemed a little irritated by the situation.

Eric Trump has been quick to defend his father, but sometimes his acts to support dear old dad have not gone as planned. On Tuesday, when asked bout his father’s tax situation, Eric appeared to get tongue tied. Perhaps pulling a page from his father’s playbook, Eric kept repeating the word “tremendous” when CNN’s Dana Bash asked him about Donald’s taxes:

“My father pays a tremendous amount of tax, as a company we pay a tremendous amount of tax, and it goes so far beyond federal income taxes. How about real estate taxes? How about employment taxes? How about sales tax? We pay a tremendous amount of tax as a company that is different than Hillary Clinton, who has lived off the government for the last 40 years.”

He went on to say Trump and his company hire a “tremendous amount of people” and showed that he is his father’s son by turning the situation into a critique of Hillary Clinton. But Bash wasn’t letting him off easily, as she persistently kept questioning him regarding his father’s taxes. After a few hedges, Eric claimed that he had seen his father’s tax returns, and they will be revealed after a supposed audit is complete. For an on-the-spot question, Eric did a tremendous job of tremendously defending his father’s tremendous tax returns on a tremendous night.

(Via CNN & Talking Points Memo)

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