Let’s Talk This Week’s Geeky TV: ‘The Flash’ Has A Monster, ‘Agents Of SHIELD’ A Samaritan


Last week on The Flash, we finally saw the Mirror Master, Wells got a replacement, and Barry, being a grown man, chose to move out so he could make out with his girlfriend with a little privacy. This week, he’s fighting a giant monster and also probably the new Wells, recruited from yet another alternate reality and who is, surprise, not what he seems!

Joking aside, while blindly trusting the new Wells is pretty silly, it gives Tom Cavanaugh yet another twist on what’s been a surprisingly versatile character for him. And it’s a useful twist for a third season that’s getting back on its feet and finding its sense of humor again after a stiff couple of episodes. We’ll see how Barry would have fought the Cloverfield monster at 8pm ET on The CW.

Meanwhile, over on Agents Of SHIELD:

Yes, after last week’s prison break/Daisy re-uppping, we finally learn just why Robbie Reyes becomes a flaming skull man who murders people. We’re assuming it’s slightly more complicated than “made a deal with Satan,” since a whole episode is devoted to it. But considering there’s been one or two nods to Ghostie’s past hidden in the episodes, we might see a bit more about Ghost Rider beyond his current incarnation. We’ll find out tonight at 10pm ET on ABC. Join us, won’t you?