It’s Never A Good Idea To Wish That Bin Laden Killed Your Teacher On Facebook

Kids today…when will they learn? So emo. So overshare-y.

Reports WMUR:

Kimberly Dell’isola said her daughter was suspended for five days after saying she wished Osama bin Laden killed her math teacher.

While she agrees the post was offensive, Dell’isola said her daughter’s free speech should be protected.

“In hindsight, she’s mortified that she said that, but she’s a 13-year-old kid,” Dell’isola said.

She said she agrees with the administrators at Rundlett Middle School that the post was wrong, but thinks the punishment is too harsh.

“You are denying her an education based on something she did at home. That’s my business, not your business,” Dell’isola said.

She said that while her daughter’s profile did have privacy settings on, a parent of one of her daughter’s friends reported the post.

Look, it’s a brave new world out there kids. If you’re gonna wish death upon your teachers, you’re just gonna have to do it like we pre-social media olds had to do it — in our angst-filled journals. With that said, if it’s any consolation, I’d say there’s a one in ten chance that Osama Bin Laden has jacked off to your teacher at some point. So there’s that!

(Pic via)