No, People, Republicans Are Not Urging President Obama To Resign Over The Beyoncé Lip-Syncing Scandal

In his post about Beyoncé doing the UNTHINKABLE and lip-syncing the National Anthem while performing at the Inauguration earlier this week, Cajun Boy jokingly commented, “IMPEACH OBUMMER! THIS IS WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU ELECT A SOCIALIST MUSLIM TO BE PRESIDENT…OUR GREAT NATIONAL ANTHEM DESECRATED BY HIS PALS! — People who wanted Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachmann, and Rick Perry to be president, probably.” He has no idea how right he was.

A rising chorus of congressional Republicans are calling on President Obama to acknowledge that the pop singer Beyoncé lip-synched during his inaugural festivities on Monday and resign from office, effective immediately.

“By lip-synching the national anthem, Beyoncé has cast a dark cloud over the President’s second term,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky). “The only way President Obama can remove that cloud is by resigning from office at once.”

While many in the media have blamed Beyoncé for the lip-synching controversy, Mr. Paul said, “We must remember that this happened on President Obama’s watch…If Beyoncé lip-synched the national anthem, how do we know President Obama didn’t lip-sync his oath of office? If that’s the case, he’s not legally President. But just to be on the safe side, he should resign anyway.” (Via)

This needs to be the basis for every SNL sketch this weekend…except for the fact that the block quote above comes from a satirical New Yorker piece written by Andy Borowitz. It is very much not real, but that hasn’t stopped Twitter skimmers from taking it seriously and, like so many fake Onion story readers, they’re freaking the f*ck out.

One of many things both Republicans and Democrats have in common: we’re all really gullible.

(Via the New Yorker)