Awful Details Emerge In New Lawsuit Against Donald Sterling

Yesterday, we told you about how Donald Sterling spent Sunday at a predominantly black church in Los Angeles and V. Stiviano getting physically assaulted in New York. Well, another day, another Sterling headline. He was sued by ex-lover Maiko Maya King last night, and the details from the lawsuit, if true, further establishes a long history of racism from Sterling, as if we need more proof at this point.

According to TMZ:

Maiko Maya King claims in her new lawsuit — she was in a romantic relationship with Sterling between 2005 and 2011. King claims during their relationship Sterling made comments about her former African-American husband, asking her “How could you be married to a black man?” King says she had kids with her ex and Sterling asked, “Why would you bring black people into the world?”

King goes on, saying Sterling told her, “I want to take you out of the black world and put you into the white world.” And she says, when they would fight he would tell her, “move back to the ghetto with a black man.”

The comments above are consistent with what Sterling said in the now infamous audio tape recorded by V. Stiviano.

Aside from the allegations above, the lawsuit also details how Sterling purportedly offered King — his personal assistant — money in exchange for sexual favors, and withheld wages from her when she refused. He also allegedly said in one conversation, “Mexicans just do drive by shootings.”

The full details of the lawsuit can be found here if you’re interested.

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