‘Horse herpes outbreak forces rodeo queens to ride stick ponies’

Arguably the funniest thing on the entire Internet today is the revelation that many people, I typically like to call them dipsh*ts, can’t tell the difference between an Onion “news” story and a real news story. But then I ran across this story, the headline of which is quoted above in my own, and I actually now feel slightly more sympathetic to people who fall for Onion stories, mainly because this one is such a great reminder that truth is often stranger than fiction, and the web is like a clearinghouse for the world’s most bizarre stories.

Reports Utah’s KSL.com:

While the state has yet to officially cancel any events involving horses that might have been exposed to a local recent equine herpes outbreak, owners and arenas are taking precautions.

Because of the outbreak, contestants at the Davis County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse Junior Queen Contest had to cowgirl up Thursday night without their mares.

Instead of competing on horses, as is typically the case, contestants were asked to trot around the arena with stick horses as their show ponies.

How absurd is that? But wait, it gets better. You absolutely have to watch the video that accompanies this story — even more so than the story itself, the video reports absolutely looks like something produced by The Onion. I literally found myself wondering, “This sh*t is for real?” as I watched it.



So again, maybe we shouldn’t be so quick to laugh at the people in this post. Actually, no we totally should.

(Via Ufford & Flubby)