Of Course, Wal-Mart Is Getting Into The Streaming Movie Business

Seeing that you can already pick up a big booty and some Cheesy Poofs there, I suppose it makes total sense that Walmart is going to start competing with Netflix and iTunes and your on-demand movie cable provider by selling streaming movies on its website. As Drunk Hulk would say, “WALMART SELL ALL OF THE THINGS!” Obviously, the rarely-excitable Robert Pattinson is thrilled by this news.

Reports the Associated Press:

The world’s largest retailer on Tuesday started streaming many movies the same day they come out on DVD, in a second bid for a share of popular movie rental and streaming website Netflix Inc.’s business and just two weeks after Netflix announced new price increases.

Wal-Mart Stores Inc. bought video-streaming service Vudu.com 18 months ago and now offers 20,000 titles that can be viewed on almost any device with Internet access, from computers to televisions to Sony’s PlayStation3 and other Blu-Ray disc players.

Movies are available at Walmart.com to rent for $1 to $5.99 or to purchase for $4.99 and up. Wal-Mart is not offering subscriptions, making its service more similar to Apple Inc.’s iTunes, which charges $3.99 to rent newly released movies and $14.99 to buy a movie.

Wait until these two British guys hear about this — they’ll really crap their knickers then…

(HT: Mashable. Pic via)