Listen: Mary J. Bige and Beyonce tell you how to ‘Love a Woman’

So you think you know how to love a woman? Mary J. Blige and Beyonce think you might be doing it wrong.

The two seasoned singers paired up for “Love a Woman,” for Blige’s forthcoming “My Life II… The Journey Continues (Act 1),” a title that’s as much a mouthful as this track is. Blige and Bey try to delineate between just having sex with your girl and making love, that women want more than material things. Also: girls like to talk it out. Duh. It’s actually a pretty standard list of grievances and explanations, but the real guts of the thing is when the two to light up, to bring out the best vocal performances in each other, shooting you straight back to the 1990s.

And you get it, with the extended bridge section, though the sparkler synth at the end of the runs really interfere with the combined fireworks of Blige’s dark vowels and Beyonce’s strong vibrato.

“My Life II” is out Nov. 22.

What are your thoughts on the track?

(Via Rap-Up)