New ‘Homeland’ trailer promises we’ll be watching you

I’m embedding the new Showtime trailer for “Homeland” season 2 (which premieres on Sunday, September 30) for a couple of reasons:

1)I’m very excited to have the show (one of last year’s best) back, and I imagine seeing glimpses of Claire Danes, Damian Lewis, Mandy Patinkin and friends should pump up your excitement level as well.

2)I love the choice of song: Scala & Kolacny Brothers covering The Police’s “Every Breath You Take,” a song that has been weirdly turned into a ballad of undying love in recent years (even Sting stopped fighting this particular battle a long time ago and will perform it as such) when it was written as a tale of obsessive stalking. The original interpretation fits “Homeland” perfectly, not just because of the show’s extensive use of surveillance, but because of how that in turn fueled the unsettling affair between Carrie and Brody.
