Disney promises one new ‘Star Wars’ film every summer starting in 2015

Alan Horn, the new Chairman of Walt Disney Pictures, took the stage at CinemaCon in Las Vegas today to announce an incredibly aggressive timetable for the “Star Wars” franchise. If they manage to pull it off, it will be almost unparalleled for this sort of big-ticket filmmaking.

According to Horn, we will indeed see the JJ Abrams “Star Wars Episode VII” in the summer of 2015, just in time for Disney to completely dominate that summer since they’re also releasing “The Avengers 2” that year. In the following years, we will see one new “Star Wars” film every year, every summer, alternating between the stand-alone films that Disney has mentioned previously and the official episodes in the main franchise.

We’ll have more analysis on this later this afternoon, but for now, this has got to be one of the most unrelenting schedules I’ve ever seen, and it all but guarantees that there will always be a “Star Wars” film shooting somewhere.

What a crazy, crazy world.