‘Kick-Ass 2’ green band trailer features Kick-Ass, Hit Girl, and a scary Jim Carrey

Later this week, I’ll be publishing my set visit reports for “Kick-Ass 2,” and I think you’ll get a really great in-depth exclusive look behind the scenes at how Jeff Wadlow is following up Matthew Vaughn’s first film. I had a few days on set by myself, and I was already familiar to the cast from the first film, so I think you’ll get an uncommonly intimate look at the making of the movie.

It seems like Universal’s really starting to push things into high gear for “Kick-Ass 2” this week. There’s a new green band trailer for the movie, and while it’s not overtly profane, they left enough of the edge in that it feels like they got away with something.

There’s a line delivered by Jim Carrey as Colonel Stars’n’Stripes in the trailer that is sold as a joke here, but in a way, it’s the thesis to the entire movie. “Try to have fun. Otherwise, what’s the point?” This is not about a battle between absolute good and absolute evil, but rather a story about what happens when a whole city full of lunatics start to share the same mass delusion that drove Kick-Ass (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), Hit-Girl (Chloe Grace-Moretz), and Big Daddy (Nicolas Cage) in the first film. Some of them align with Kick-Ass, some of them align with The Motherfucker (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), but all of them are ultimately doing it because there is a freedom that comes from wearing these outrageous outfits.

I love that Clark Duke gets a costume in the film. I love the way the Colonel uses his dog in battle. I love how horrible Chris Mintz-Plasse gets to be in the film. If you didn’t care for the first one, I’m not sure I think this one will change your mind, but I really like where they’re headed with these characters, and I like the way this plays with the idea of costumed vigilantes in a real world where no one has super powers.

I think we’re in for something pretty cool with “Kick-Ass 2,” and I can’t wait to deliver my set visit stuff for you so you can see why I feel that way.

“Kick-Ass 2” will be in theaters August 16, 2013.