Comic-Con 2013: ‘Teen Wolf’ panel covers twins, virgins, wolves

The “Teen Wolf” panel at Comic-Con 2013 was only half full, but you wouldn’t know that from the enthusiastic screaming. High pitched shrieks frequently erupted, sometimes during fan questions, sometimes during panelist answers, and pretty much all the way through the preview clip that aired. I think it’s fair to say that the crowd was very, very receptive to anything the “Teen Wolf” crew had to say.

Executive producer Jeff Davis joined stars Tyler Posey, Holland Roden, Dylan O’Brien, Crystal Reed, Daniel Sharman, Tyler Houechlin and Charlie and Max Carver on the panel. Of the show’s strong season three premiere, he admitted, “We definitely wanted to premiere in a big way. It was nice to see the ratings go up. It was nice to introduce the Alphas, our twins (the Carvers) here, but also bring back characters you love, like Scott and Lydia.

To Davis, the season opened an intriguing possibility. “What if a Beta could rise to an Alpha on the strength of his own character? I think that’s a good message for our teen audience as well, that you can be nice. I could say that of everyone in the cast.”

“I think Scott is a great person inside and out, so I’m so glad I get to play that Alpha,” Posey added. “It’s really cool to do another take on the Alpha mentality.”

Much of the panel was spent on the stars and the producer exchanging compliments. “Sometimes it’s a lot harder t play the hero. It’s easier to play the villain or the wacky, funny sidekick. The hero is not the most glamorous role, but Tyler pulls it off,” Davis said.

“I think Scott is a great person inside and out, so I’m so glad I get to play that Alpha,” Posey added. “It’s really cool to do another take on the Alpha mentality.”

The topic of Posey’s tattoo also got discussed. “It was during the last Comic-Con, and I was sitting watching from a computer in Greece, and I said… ‘Is that a tattoo? Shit!” Davis said, laughing.

He also wasn’t overly thrilled about his star’s newfound love for motorcycles. “I had to get my motorcycle license to be with [one] on set, and I fell in love with it. It’s pretty bad ass,” said Posey to a background of high-pitched screaming.

“It’s also the number one source of organ donors,” Davis joked.

The focus then turned to the character of Lydia — and what she is, exactly. Roden said, “I’m going to say she’s the hatch from ‘Lost’ [Roden previously starred on the show]. That’s what I’m going with. With winning lottery numbers on the door.”

Davis promised all would be revealed in episode nine. “It’s the name of the episode, people! it’s a clue!” Roden added. Davis didn’t elaborate, but said the episode is based on the Hitchcock movie “The Man Who Knew Too Much.”

The moderator mentioned that Stiles had been worried about virgins being sacrificed — which leads to the natural question about whether Stiles (O’Brien’s character” has had sex. This led to extended screaming from the crowd. “The virgin sacrifices are over, but the virgin question for Stiles has not been answered, but it will soon,” Davis promised.

Davis mentioned that Monday will air a flashback episode of the show.  “It’s one of the most different of our episodes. It takes us back to Derek’s past. We’re really proud of it. One of my editors did an amazing job, and you get a lot of insight into the Hale family, and you’re going to learn why Derek’s eyes are blue and not yellow.”

The topic of gay characters came up, specifically Ethan and Danny’s relationship. “I love that these characters exist in the same world,” Charlie Carver explained. “Like, I like my guy and I’m going to protect him, and Jeff’s treated that very well.

Davis added, “It’s the idea that you can change, Ethan and Aidan are changed by the people they’re falling for. It’s a nice character arc to do, especially with the bad guys when they become good.”

Davis revealed that winter episodes of the show start Jan. 6, adding that two episodes are written “and I have to get home to write the rest.” Then a preview clip was shown — which caused the audience to scream throughout, though most loudly when Stiles and Lydia iss. “These lips are for all of you girls!” Roden said.

“The kiss isn’t just a kiss,” Davis added.

“It’s also sex,” Posey joked.

After Davis explained that in episode 310 “all of the relationships get very complicated, and some may end tragically,” questions were opened to the audience.

A strange moment happened when a masked man approached the podium. When asked to remove his face covering, it was obvious that Danny (Keahu Kahuani) was standing facing his co-stars.  “Why isn’t Danny sitting up there? Are we going to see a resurfacing of Miguel?” he asked. The other stars joked around with Kahuani, though Davis said nothing. It might have been an awkward moment, or one that was entirely planned. Either way, the crowd loved it. screaming for more.