Ryan Seacrest to keep on hosting ‘Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve’

Ryan Seacrest to keep on hosting “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve”
Seacrest signed a “multi-year” deal, but exactly how long hasn’t been revealed.

Jeremy Piven’s hefty paycheck is holding up the “Entourage” movie

Piven has already signed on for the movie, and he has always been paid more than his co-stars since the series began because of his fame. As The Hollywood Reporter explains, “negotiations with co-stars Adrian Grenier, Kevin Connolly, Jerry Ferrara and Kevin Dillon have become heated in part because they want pay more comparable with Piven’s.”

Conan will begin showing his NBC clips as he looks back at 20 years on air
Starting next week, Conan O’Brien’s TBS show will celebrate “20 Years of Conan.” PLUS: Conan sends Triumph the Insult Comic Dog to the American Beer Festival.

PBS will air “Sherlock” and “Downton Abbey” back-to-back
Season 3 of “Sherlock” kicks off Jan. 19.

Watch Edward Norton’s “SNL” promos
See his Halloween costume.

Johnny Weir joins NBC Winter Olympic coverage
The two-time Olympic figure skater announced that he’s retiring to join NBC’s team.

Walton Goggins talks “Sons of Anarchy”
“This is the story that we felt gave Venus the opportunity to become really three-dimensional,” says the actor.

“Breaking Bad” tombstone moved from cemetery to a steakhouse
The fake tombstone in a real Albuquerque cemetery upset those with loved ones buried nearby.

Original British “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” ending after 15 years
The one that started it all is calling it quits after original host Chris Tarrant announced he would step down.