Winter Games Round-Up: Must-see Olympic events for Thursday, Day 7

So both of Bob Costas’ eyes are riddled with pink eye, Johnny Weir is channeling “The Hunger Games” in his wardrobe choices, and Norway is winning the Olympic medal count. What is going on, people? 

8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. ET – NBC – Men’s slopestyle freestyle skiing, women’s speed skating, figure skating

* You won’t get to see skating legend Evgeni Plushenko‘s push for a fifth Olympic medal in the men’s figure skating short program. After pulling out at the last minute (so last minute, in fact, there was no time to substitute a skater — so no Russians in the category), he promptly retired. It’s a loss for fans, but we’re betting a few other skaters weren’t so sad to have the field open up a little.

* That didn’t matter for Jeremy Abbott of the United States, who fell hard on a quadruple toe loop in the short program. But you know what? He got up and kept skating through the pain. Because he’s ‘merican, and we ‘mericans don’t quit! 

* The men’s slopestyle final is full of Americans who don’t quit, either — so don’t miss this all-American podium sweep. 

* In women’s 1000m speed skating, roomies Heather Richardson and Brittany Bowe must compete against one another. Does anyone else think this would be the basis for a great sitcom? Anyone? C’mon, maybe Fox. You guys will take anything, right? 

Noelle Pikus-Pace has two kids, back problems and retired in 2012. But guess what? She’s back and going for gold in the Skeleton.  Which is bobsledding. Don’t ask me anything else, but it looks like a lot of not fun. She missed a bronze by 1/10 of a second in 2010, so she’s super motivated this time around.