Series premiere talkback: ‘The Knick’ – ‘Method and Madness’

On Wednesday, I published my review of Cinemax's “The Knick.” Now it's your turn. For those of you who tuned in tonight for the first episode, what did you think? Did it feel like a project worthy of the involvement of Steven Soderbergh and/or Clive Owen? How did you feel about the Cliff Martinez electronica score? Are the men out there hankering to grow a mustache like Clive's, and/or to start wearing those white leather boots? Were the surgical scenes too grisly, or just right? Do you feel attached to any of the characters at this early stage, or are you just struggling to keep track of everyone? (Related: How did you feel about the use of Matt Frewer, and about his beard?) Do you like the idea of Cinemax branching out like this, or would you rather this timeslot keep going to shows like “Strike Back” and “Banshee”? And will you watch again?

Because “The Knick” is a bit of a slow build, I don't imagine I'm going to be writing about it regularly, but I'd like to check in from time to time (especially after we get to episode 7, which is the last and best of the ones I've seen so far).

For now, though, have at it.