Fangirl Fashion: From Tatooine to Fury Road and beyond!

Do you like fashion? Do you like geek culture? Do like to show off your love of both by plastering your body with branded clothing and stealth cosplay? Then this is the weekly column for you! Every Thursday, Fangirl Fashion will feature some of the best options from across fandom to display your affection.

This week we”ve got Harry Potter House Crests, Ariel”s outfit, a Tatooine sunset, Loki”s duds, and one of the best lines from “Mad Max: Fury Road.” Get ready to weep because you”re going to be eating ramen for a month.

#1. Scarves can be for summer, too!
Made out of lightweight polyester, this infinity scarf shows off your House pride…and support for your friends in other Houses.

Snag yours today from ThinkGeek for $24.99.

#2. Darling it”s better down where it”s wetter…
So you better frickin” dress appropriately. If a grown women in swimsuit cosplay is wrong, I don”t want to be right.

Let Hot Topic enabled your cosplay addiction. $24.50 for the top and $24.50 for the bottom.

#3. Double sunset ALL THE WAY!
Put the Binary Sunset theme on your phone and get ready to stare morosely into the mirror.

Head over to HerUniverse and grab yours for $25.00

#4. Are you burdened with glorious fashion purpose?
Time to show the world!

You can be fierce and fabulous for $34.00 from WeLoveFine.

#5. If you can”t burn the words from “Mad Max: Fury Road” on your soul, put them on your shirt.
And your gravestone. And graffiti it on the faces of fedoras in your life.

Pre-order yours today from UnicornEmpirePrints for only $22.00!

Have you seen something geek fashionistas have to know about? Send your suggestions to!