Celebrating Half a Century of Slash

In a sign we”re all getting older than we”d like, guitar god Slash turns 50 today.

The former Guns N” Roses axeman, who burst on to the scene in the late 1980s as a sort of demonic looking Cousin It, has cemented his status in rock lore with songs like “Welcome to the Jungle” and Sweet Child of Mine.”  The band”s first album, “Appetite for Destruction” sold nearly 30 million copies and “Use Your Illusion I and II” sold a combined 35 million copies. In the years since his high-profile GNR breakup, Slash went on to perform with groups including Slash's Snakepit and Velvet Revolver.

Here's a few pictures of Slash through the years, starting back when he was just a little tyke named Saul Hudson.  Happy birthday Mr. Slash!






