Listen to these YouTube stars cover ‘Hey Jude’ in a minor key

Tyler Ward and Kurt Hugo Schneider just took a happy song and made it… better? We”ll let you be the judge.

Ward and Schneider, who both found stardom on YouTube, covered The Beatles” “Hey Jude” with this twist: They performed it in a minor key instead of the F major key in which it was originally written and recorded.

Check out the video with their new, all-the-more-melancholy take on the Fab Four”s beloved song below:

If you want to hear The Beatles performing “Hey Jude” in a minor key (with the help of some digital editing), you can check that out here, in a video that hit the web a couple years ago.

Similarly, the reverse has been done before to transpose songs written in a minor key into a major key, like this shinier, happier version of R.E.M.”s “Losing My Religion” and this reworking of Nirvana”s “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” which ends up losing a bit of its rebellious spirit.