Veterans’ organization praises characters from ‘Gotham’, ‘Jurassic World’

The media is a powerful forum that can shape public view on race, gender, politics, religion and other social issues. Viewers can perceive certain people or groups differently, purely based on how they are presented in the media. Got Your 6 is a non-profit organization that seeks to shift how the public views veterans. 

Got Your 6 believes that Hollywood typically portrays veterans in two ways: either as heroes or as broken people. While this is true of some veterans, most re-enter the civilian world just seeking to resume their day-to-day lives, now that they are out of the service. 

In an effort to reward films and television projects that accurately portray veterans, Got Your 6 created the “6 Certified Initiative”. “6 Certified” recently announced seven Hollywood projects that meet their standards of portraying veterans as assets and leaders. Those seven projects include: 

  • “Jurassic World” for Chris Pratt's portrayal of Navy Veteran Owen
  • “Madam Secretary” for Tim Daly's portrayal of Professor McCord
  • “Gotham” for Ben McKenzie's portrayal of Detective Gordon
  • “Bojack Horseman” for Bojack's opinions on Veterans
  • “Lone Target” for Navy Seal Joel Lambert
  • “This Old House” for their Veterans' home episode
  • “Triumph Games” for their focus on Veteran athletes

You can read more about the “Certified 6 Initiative” on