Joseph Gordon-Levitt addresses the demise of the network that aired his TV show

Pivot, the short-lived cable network of Participant Media, is going dark this fall, but that doesn”t necessarily mean that we”ve seen the last of Joseph Gordon-Levitt”s HitRecord on TV series.

The variety series, which aired for two seasons on Pivot, was a creation of Gordon-Levitt and his crowd-sourced production company, hitRECord.

In a video posted to hitRECord”s website on Tuesday night, the actor-director confirmed, “We won”t be doing a third season for Pivot.”

Of any potential future for HitRecord on TV elsewhere, he said, “Whether or not we”ll be doing a third season for somebody else – that”s really a big question mark right now, and there”s lots and lots of kind of complicated variables that still remain to be worked out as far as whether we will be doing a third season of that show for someone else. I”ll definitely keep you guys posted as that question resolves itself.”

In the video message (this week”s installment of his chat with fans, “The Regularity”), JGL also called Participant “a special kind of media company,” and praised Particpant”s “double bottom line” approach to filmmaking.

Gordon-Levitt was recently candid about the major change of course on of another former project of his, The Sandman film adaptation, which he departed in March.

In Tuesday”s video message, he assured fans and hitRECord contributors that though HitRecord on TV“s future is uncertain, “we do lots of things, and we will continue to do lots of things.”

Among the projects Gordon-Levitt and hitRECord are making, cable show or no cable show: a short film featuring Edward Snowden. JGL plays the former NSA employee in the Oliver Stone-directed film Snowden opening in theaters next month. Earlier today Gordon-Levitt tweeted out the short film, titled Are You There, Democracy? It”s Me, the Internet, made with the American Civil Liberties Union.
