Lady Gaga gives One Direction a pep talk backstage at the 2013 MTV VMAs

It may not have come across on screen, but it appears there was a smattering of boos when One Direction accepted their award for best summer song for “Best Song Ever.”  The group was giving a second acceptance speech to MTV’s Thank You camera when none other than Lady Gaga came by for an impromptu pep talk. Granted, the One D boys didn’t seem to need it, but the always emotional Gaga let it out (or, perhaps was projecting her own feelings over critical audience?).

“I want to tell you that you deserve every measure of success you have. And I put that booing in my own show because I wanted to make a comment about that,” Gaga says. “I wanted to leave right now. I don’t want to even stay anymore. I don’t want to be in a room like that.”

Before taking an obligatory group photo, she adds, “You deserve a lot.”

It was impossible to see the Gents’ response, but soon they were cracking jokes before posing the photo.  You can watch Gaga meet One Direction at around the :30 minute mark in the video embedded below.

Gaga later retweeted the photo in this story.  We can’t imagine Taylor Swift’s reaction to that.