Translating ‘Med Cezir,’ the Turkish remake of ‘The O.C.’

It’s been a decade since the ray of California sunshine that was “The O.C.” touched down on TV sets across the nation, and finally, in 2013, the beloved show about the rich and the good-looking is getting the remake it deserves. Unfortunately for those of us who don’t speak Turkish, this television program will be in Turkish.

Feast your eyes on the glowing cast of “Med Cezir.”

There’s a trailer as well. Watch it and tell me it isn’t entirely possible that Mischa Barton is still playing the Mischa Barton role:

As I mentioned, I don’t speak Turkish — not one single word. Nevertheless, I have put together what I’m certain is a completely accurate translation of the “Med Cezir” trailer. You’re so welcome:

Troublemaker: This car is cooler than my car, and that idiot with the feathered hair left his keys in the ignition.

Handsome Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold (H.B.B.W.H.O.G.): We can’t do this, it’s wrong.

Troublemaker: Hop in!

H.B.B.W.H.O.G.: Pull over, Troublemaker, or at least slow down!


Foster Wife: We’ve gotten a call. That handsome bad boy with a heart of gold you represent in your job as a lawyer has really done it this time. He stole a car.

Poor Mother: What is wrong with you, son who reminds me so much of my absent husband? You have had so many chances to not remind me of my absent husband.

Foster Husband: He’s really not such a bad kid, you know.

Poor Mother: You are a bad kid. Get out.

H.B.B.W.H.O.G.: What?

Poor Mother: You can no longer live at my home.

Foster Husband: Where will you stay?

H.B.B.W.H.O.G.: Nowhere. I don’t need anyone but myself.

Foster Wife: You have invited him to stay here? This poor individual who is maybe dangerous?

Foster Husband: He has nowhere else to go.

Foster Husband: Handsome Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold, you will live in our home and be a brother to our Nice but Clearly Inferior Son. He has curly hair and will probably try to hug you. Accept him. And learn the rules of operating a sail boat by the first episode, please.