It’s Time to Admire January Jones’ Instagram Game

For awhile I thought the point of Instagram was to marvel at the exploits of Madonna and Rihanna while lamenting our actual loved ones' boring narcissism. But no. There is another perk of Instagram, and her name is January Jones.

The Emmy nominated “Mad Men” star is not the likeliest candidate for an Instagram account. I can't say I know too much about her personal life, and I don't think she's particularly well-known for her droll commentary. But she's personal, droll, and pretty damn funny on Instagram — all qualities that would infuriate Betty Draper. Let's enjoy her work and identify why we love it.

1. This. This incredible #tbt magic. 

2. Her flashback to a 1996 PSA. Love the urgent Courier font.

3. Whatever is going on here.

4. Uggggh, her enviable offscreen affection from dreamy Ginsberg himself, Ben Feldman. She enjoys a naughty hashtag, Ms. Jones does. 

5. She fancies art!

6. She's cool admitting that her own child treats her “X-Men” character doll like crap. 

7. She has a (candle) drinking problem.

8. Man, her #tbt game is arguably the tightest. Party in the front AND back as far as I'm concerned.

9. She's a liar! Love. 

Until I am proven wrong, she is the current Instagram queen. If there are any supporting actresses on current TV dramas outplaying Jan Jones on Instagram, please identify yourself in the comments.