10 ludicrous ‘villains’ that had no business being horror movie monsters

The horror genre sometimes gets a bad wrap for things like terrible acting and poor production values. Because for every “Exorcist” that scares a generation, fifteen “Exorcist 2: The Heretic” come along to undo all that good work of terrorizing movie going audiences.

But there”s a difference between bad execution and “Holy moly, how did this even sound good on paper?!” In a mad rush for easy cash, surely the logic must be that the bar is so low for slasher flicks, no concept is off limits.

Well, some should be.

After the jump, we collected ten of the most out-of-place, laughably absurd creatures to ever don the mantle of “horror movie monster.” From killer objects to killer cuddly animals, nothing is too mediocre in the eyes of direct-to-video producers.