Meghan Trainor’s Thanksgiving Carols: ‘Uncle Dan Hates Obama’ Is Your New Holiday Jam

Meghan Trainor's “All About That Bass” is a catchy single, but I'm more partial to her follow-up jam “Uncle Dan Hates Obama (And Won't Shut Up About Benghazi).”

Yes, it's Thanksgiving time, and as Jimmy Kimmel notes, it's a holiday woefully short on season-specific tunes. But not to worry: Meghan is here to mint a whole slew of new Turkey Day classics, including but not limited to “My Flight Got Canceled in Denver (I'll Be Sleeping at an Airport Quiznos Tonight),” “I'm Not Bringing Leftovers on the Plane, Mom” and “Grandma's a Racist (Pass the Yams).” Wait, do they actually let you sleep at the Quiznos in airports? That doesn't sound so bad.