HitFix Daily Snap: The minor ‘Mad Men’ character you love most

As our own Alan Sepinwall blogs about how he'll miss his late night recaps of “Mad Men,” I realize something: I haven't started coping with the death of “Mad Men” yet. I understand we're leaving Don, Peggy, and Joan behind, but “Mad Men” is rare in that you sometimes fall in love with characters who appeared for a few episodes — or a few seconds. I'm as heartbroken that we're done with Henry Francis and Ginsberg as I am about the end of the major characters. Today's essay question concerns the tinier cameos in “Mad Men” history: Who's your favorite bit role?

Easy for me: I love the chauvinistic pig Jimmy Barrett from season two who terrorizes a woman on a commercial shoot, then eviscerates Don for sleeping with his wife, the mysterious and melancholy Bobbie Barrett. He was so “showbiz” in the most obnoxious, fearsome sense, and I loved his sickening style of schmoozing. Plus, he has the face of a '60s TV star, so his eyebrow situation was super jaunty. Loved it. 

Here's what else is going on at HitFix today.

The tyranny of “Pretty Girls”: Did you catch the new Britney/Iggy video? Provocatively bad. Do yourself a favor and check it out. 

Jessica Chastain's on set, and so are we: The Oscar-nominated actress chats with us on the set of “Crimson Peak.” 

Rebel Wilson wants a drama: And she should get one! The “Pitch Perfect 2” actress told us she dreams of joining the “Homeland” cast.