Hugh Jackman to make surprise appearance at Comic-Con with ‘Real Steel’

Comic-Con isn’t even officially underway yet, but the surprises are already coming in.

Fan favorite superstar Hugh Jackman will make a surprise appearance at Comic Con tomorrow morning (Thursday, 7/21) at 10:30 am, plugging his new family-oriented sci-fi film “Real Steel.”

Although he won’t be sitting in on any panels, the actor will appear in the Petco parking lot (located just around the corner from the convention center at 100 Park Blvd.) with the “Real Steel” truck that will be driving around San Diego over the Con weekend.

Jackman will be handing out “Real Steel” toys and swag to lucky fans, and will also sign autographs. The truck will also give away two HP touchpads.
He’s been to the Con before with the various “X-Men” films and “Van Helsing.”

“Real Steel,” in which Jackman plays the manager of a boxing robot, opens nationwide October 7.

Here’s the “Real Steel” trailer: