Netflix just released 8 ‘Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt’ trailers

Like four confused women emerging from an underground bunker, Netflix has released a bunch of new Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt trailers to the world.

In what the streaming network says is a first, our first look at the show's second season has been customized for several different platforms: Facebook, Twitter (via three Vines), Instagram, even Tumblr and Pinterest

And, of course, there's the YouTube version, which we present below. If you were afraid that the show might have exhausted all the things Kimmy can experience for the first time as she attempts to navigate NYC after 15 years in a bunker, well, think again. We've got a new job, former co-mole woman Gretchen coming for a visit and finally letting loose, and an adorable viral video set to the tune of the Kimmy original, “Bunny and Kitty (Bein' Best Friends).”