Samantha Bee’s segment on rape kit backlogs should make you furious

Full Frontal took on rape kit backlogs last night, a subject that clearly doesn't lend itself to humor. But Samantha Bee excels when explaining anger-making topics like this, and she didn't disappoint (unlike the politicians and law enforcement officers she took to task).

In many states, rape kits (that's the evidence collected from people who say they've been raped) are sent to back rooms to collect dust, untested, because of huge backlogs. That's horrible, obviously, but it gets worse: In every state in this country, police can destroy rape kits before the statute of limitations runs out. And they do.

The good news is, many states are proposing and passing laws to change this. The bad news is, there are people out there who don't think this is a problem that needs new laws to solve, thus earning those people (Georgia State Sen. Renee Unterman and Bingham County, Idaho's Sheriff Craig Rowland) the Samantha Bee treatment.