Metallica Proceeds To School This Fan In Metallica Trivia On ‘Jimmy Kimmel Live’

The next television series to be birthed from a late night game segment seems to be Jimmy Kimmel Live’s “Who Knows” segment. It features a superfan facing off and answering some trivia against a celebrity they know and love. No celebrity has come out on top during the series, this includes a very colorful showdown featuring Katy Perry, but Wednesday’s guests looked to change that.

Metallica showed up to Kimmel set to do a block party concert for the fans, but they ended up on the latest segment of “Who Knows” against one of their biggest fans. Their reward if they walk away with the victory? The fan’s wallet, full of Walmart receipts and his firefighter’s badge. Dave, the superfan, would’ve walked away with a signed guitar if he won the game — something he obviously didn’t achieve. Up against all four members of the band, it’s difficult to find success with trivia pertaining to the band.

He does pretty well but is a loser in the end. If it wasn’t for the kindness of Metallica, Dave would be walking away without a wallet AND without the signed guitar. Thankfully they give him the wallet and invite him to a Metallica concert next summer when they’re touring the States. Not sure who gets the signed guitar, but I don’t trust Guillermo to give it up. I don’t think I’d give it up either.

(Via Jimmy Kimmel Live)