What If Darth Vader Went Full ‘Bad Santa’ With His Grandson, Kylo Ren?

It’s that time of year again. When all across the land, office workers are shutting down and preparing for the holiday slump, even though there is still like a week left until Christmas. But we all know a little bit of procrastination (or a lot) is the American way! Yet the lack of productivity also means a lack of news that isn’t “Oh God, Oh God! Everything is awful, we’re all going to die!” That’s where YouTubers like Corridor Digital step in.

Last year, the team brought everyone the gift of Darth Santa, a hilarious mash-up that saw the Dark Lord of the Sith behaving like an even more rotten version of The Grinch. So how do they top that for 2016? By bringing in Kylo Ren, of course. In Darth Santa Strikes Back!, General Leia Organa drops a young Ben Solo off at Grandpa’s house for a few hours of Christmas shenanigans. Things…do not go as Leia planned. Even if you celebrate Chanukah instead of Christmas, Corridor Digital has you covered as a certain Jedi shows up with a Menorah that should definitely exist as a Think Geek product. Considering Rogue One pretty much confirmed Jedha was Jedi Jerusalem, the inclusion of this bit comes off a little bit darker than it would have two weeks ago. Still funny, though.