Trevor Noah Gave A Very Musical Response To Trump Officially Taking On The Role Of President

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On Friday, Trevor Noah kicked off the first Daily Show of the Donald Trump administration by taking a look back at the inauguration and eventually breaking into song. While Noah expressed some apprehension about the immediacy of Trump being president, he took some satisfaction that Trump is finally president and can no longer make excuses for the state of the country. Either he’s finally lost it after taking on this job or we’ve reached a new point of musical comedy for the show.

Trump’s inauguration speech painted a dark picture of the state of America and Noah seemed to think that was a description of a dystopic movie. This was not lost on Noah, as The Daily Show host specifically zeroed in on some of the language Trump used in his speech, such as “American carnage,” “blood,” and “decay” equating it to dialogue from a Terminator film.

But Noah talked about the “person who most captured the feeling of the day” in Michelle Obama, whose facial expressions seemed to indicate that she was over the day before it began. Everybody but the former FLOTUS seems to be concerned with what is in the box.

Noah wasn’t all doom and gloom as he took delight in the litany of responsibilities and pressure Trump will be under as the commander in chief. He said Trump can no longer make excuses and he himself is now the one in charge of making a change. To cap off the segment he leads a Disney-esque sing along saying Trump is now the man in charge.

(Via Comedy Central)