WikiLeaks Asks Followers To Dig Up Trump’s Taxes After Kellyanne Conway Confirms He’ll Never Release Them

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Donald Trump plans big tax cuts, but all along, he’s been very cagey about his own monetary contributions to the federal government. Throughout his campaign, he resisted following the long-standing tradition for presidential candidates to release their tax returns (while claiming he’d like to do so) with the excuse of chronically being audited. Yet on Sunday, Kellyanne Conway confirmed to George Stephanopoulos what some suspected all along — Trump will never release his taxes to the public.

In response, Julian Assange’s brainchild tweeted out a request for people to dig up Trump’s taxes and pop them over to WikiLeaks, which promises to drop them like they’re hot.

WikiLeaks even twisted the knife by classifying Trump’s “breach of promise” as “even more gratuitous than Clinton concealing her Goldman Sachs transcripts.”

That last part is significant, since WikiLeaks did not hesitate to release excerpts from Clinton’s Goldman Sach speeches. Not only that, but WikiLeaks pushed a conspiracy theory surrounding a DNC staffer’s death and threatened an October surprise (and upset Alex Jones in the process) against Clinton. Plus — and this is telling — U.S. intelligence unearthed “conclusive evidence” that WikiLeaks received the Podesta emails through a third party that was working for Russia.

Now WikiLeaks appears to be turning against Donald Trump.

However, little effect can be anticipated if someone submits Trump’s tax docs to WikiLeaks. After all, Trump won the election despite pretty much admitting to not paying taxes during a debate (and he called himself “smart” for the omission). In the lead up to the election, the New York Times released documents that suggested Trump successfully avoided taxes for decades through a loophole, but the dude is still president.