‘Hitman’ Takes Aim At The Five Games You Need To Play This Week

Every week, more games for more platforms arrive and it gets harder and harder to sort signal from noise. So, every week, we take a look at the five games you need to play this week. And this week, a certain fan of Ave Maria arrives in stores. And also, for some reason almost every other new game this week starts with “D.”

Pick Of The Week

Hitman: The Complete First Season, Tuesday (PS4, Xbox One, And PC)

After Hitman: Absolution got more praise for its design than its story, IO Interactive went back to the individual mission structure by releasing each as a string of episodes. And the results were fantastic, as sneaking through environments and figuring out the sometimes hilarious Rube Goldberg methods of bumping off the jerks who find themselves on Agent 47’s radar offers some finely polished gaming. If you were waiting for a disc, this has all six episodes, bonus missions, and an item pack with all the classics from Hitman: Blood Money. Plus there’s the ineffable satisfaction of putting one-liners in 47’s mouth. I’m partial to “Ave Maria, motherf***er,” myself. We’ll have a review on Tuesday.

Divide, Tuesday (PS4)

Divide has an intriguing premise that takes it beyond the twin-stick shooter. In the futuristic world of the game, you not only have to gun down robots and the like, but patiently assemble information with the understanding that every email, newspaper article, and shipping manifest is written with a potential agenda; your job is to find what’s been omitted, what’s being lied about, and what’s really going on.

Dynasty Warriors: Godseekers, Wednesday (PS4, PS Vita)

It’s a bit, um, odd that Dynasty Warriors, a franchise best known for requiring you to beat the crap of huge swaths of enemies in real time, would put out a turn-based strategy game. Then again, this is a turn-based strategy game based off a brawler that was spun off of a real-time strategy franchise, so really “odd” is just part of the package here. We’ll have a review later this week.

Digimon World: Next Order, Tuesday (PS4)

The Pokemon knockoff returns with an open world game where you run around, fight with two Digimon, and, well, we all know the rules.

Double Dragon IV, Monday (PS4, PC)

Despite how this looks, this is not a retro game from the ’80s. Instead, it’s an entirely new game made with largely the same staff. As for how Billy and Jimmy will hold up in an era where brawlers have gone 3D, that’s a good question, but it’s certainly an intriguing choice from Arc System Works, the company that owns the rights.

Any games we missed? Let us know in the comments!