Stephen Colbert Is Bringing Donald Trump To Showtime For A New Series

Stephen Colbert has a cushy new gig for President Donald Trump. He’s transforming Trump into a premium cable star.

Colbert’s Late Show is spinning off their cartoon version of Trump into a 10-episode series for Ray Donovan facilitators Showtime. Episodes of the animated series will be half-hour offerings and the feature “two-dimensional avatars of President Donald Trump and the most powerful family in the world.” Billed as a workplace comedy, we’ll be whisked into assorted adventures complete with a cast of characters familiar to the commander-in-chief.

“I know a lot of people wanted to do this, and I’m honored that the Cartoon President invited our documentary crew into his private world,” shared Colbert in the accompanying press release. “I’ve seen some of the footage, and I look forward to sharing the man behind the MAGA.”

Previous experience suggests Trump won’t be flattered by this brand of artistic interpretation, although we could be wrong and Trump may prove sweet on his alter-ego. Of course, this Late Show spin-off is entering an increasingly crowded cable climate for Trump satirization. (Comedy Central even has a flesh and blood fake Trump lampooning courtesy of Anthony Atamanuik’s The President Show.) Ratings trends have shown a definite appetite for such a thing, so it’s up to the cartoon Trump to hold up his end of the bargain and stand out in his new pay cable surroundings. The series is slated to premiere at some point this fall.