‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Fans Are In Mourning And Hoping For A Revival


Beloved by many, watched by not enough to keep Fox’s ax from coming down, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is now canceled. The Andy Samberg cop comedy that’s spent five fresh seasons on Rotten Tomatoes is no longer, along with Will Forte’s The Last Man on Earth and Kaitlin Olson’s The Mick. Now is not a good time to be a critically acclaimed comedy on Fox, and fans know it.

With the news of the show’s cancelation comes the equally odd news that Fox will be picking up Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing, which was canceled by ABC after six seasons on the network. This could be the Roseanne Effect™ in play, with her show seeing huge ratings in this year of our Lord, 2018.

It has led to fan outcries, as expected. Some are mournful, others are simply sharing their favorite moments from such a delightful and endearing show. If Last Man Standing can get picked back up, so can Brooklyn Nine-Nine, right? If Lin-Manuel Miranda wants the show on the air, he can snap his fingers like a reverse Thanos and make that happen, right?

It seems as if petitions to get the show picked up at another network, or simply have Fox renew it after dumping it are picking up steam.


