Steph Curry Says He Was Joking When He Said Humans Have Never Been To The Moon

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In the least surprising news of the day, Steph Curry, who in what was surely coincidental timing announced the release of of his latest signature sneaker on Tuesday night, revealed that he doesn’t actually believe the conspiracy theory that humans have never been been to the moon. In fact, while people are mad about it, Curry says it was obvious that he was being lighthearted.

Curry spoke to Nick Friedell of ESPN about his recent comments on the Winging It podcast in which he pushed one of the more well-known conspiracy theories out there. As Curry explained, he was trying to get publicity before his newest signature sneaker from Under Armour dropped poke fun at those who took his comments seriously.

“Obviously I was joking when I was talking on the podcast,” Curry said. “I was silently protesting how stupid it was that people actually took that quote and made it law as, ‘Oh my God, he’s a fake moon landing truther,’ whatever you want to call it, yada, yada, yada. So I was silently protesting that part about it, how the story took a life of its own.”

There’s a big conversation we can have about athletes and the status they have, leading to the words they say having more of an impact than your average person, especially on children who hold them in such high regard — for example, look at how Kyrie Irving’s flat eartherism (that he defended in a similar manner to how Curry defended this) led to headaches for some science teachers. That is a conversation for another time.

Curry is, however, excited about the fact that he got an invite from NASA to see the proof that humans have been to the moon, which he is “one thousand percent” going to take the next time Golden State heads to Houston.

“But in terms of the reaction that I’ve gotten, I am definitely going to take [NASA] up on their offer,” Curry told ESPN. “I am going to educate myself firsthand on everything that NASA has done and shine a light on their tremendous work over the years. And hopefully people understand that education is power, informing yourself is power. For kids out there that hang on every word that we say, which is important, understand that you should not believe something just because somebody says it. You should do your homework and understand what you actually believe. But I’m going to go to NASA and I’m going to enjoy the experience whole-heartedly.”

While Curry thought the whole thing was absurd, as he told ESPN, “I got a NASA invite out of it and I going to enjoy it,” which in his eyes is the most important thing here.

(Via ESPN)