Nicki Minaj Defends Kanye West And Pete Davidson, Accuses Fans Of Being ‘Flippant’ About Mental Health

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Nicki Minaj put her platform to good use this morning when she weighed in on recent controversies involving Kanye West and Pete Davidson and their mental health via Twitter, imploring fans to be more empathetic toward people who might be suffering from disorders.

“We can be so insensitive,” she wrote. “God bless Kanye & Pete. Being flippant about mental illness speaks more about you than them. Stop saying the word love & live it. Love is an action.”

Kanye West recently drew attention, criticism, and sympathy for a long string of tweets on Thursday (December 13) in which he vented about his and Drake’s deteriorating relationship, accusing the younger rapper of threatening him and his family on Travis Scott’s “Sicko Mode.” Nicki Minaj collaborator Ariana Grande capitalized on the long rant by joking that “I know grown men are arguing online right now,” but that her and Miley Cyrus’ new songs were coming out at midnight. Kanye later called out Ariana on the tweet, accusing her of making light of his mental illness to sell records, to which Ariana ultimately responded, “Stop weaponizing mental illness.”

Meanwhile, Pete Davidson frightened concerned fans about his mental state, posting a disturbing message to his Instagram, then deleting it. The text of the message seemed to suggest that the comedian was feeling suicidal after months of online bullying from Ariana Grande fans in the wake of the couple’s breakup.

Nicki’s message to fans, though it comes from a mightily dubious source, considering her own online activities and heavily weaponized fan base, is still remarkably solid. It’s something everyone should take note of — no one is immune to mental illness, not even celebrities, and we should all be a little more understanding. Nicki also retweeted comments from other observers, which you can check out below.