Amazon Is Advertising Taylor Swift’s Upcoming Album, ‘Lover,’ On Their Boxes

Apple Music

Taylor Swift recently put on a colorful show at Amazon’s first-ever Prime Day concert in New York City. The “You Need To Calm Down” singer is reportedly continuing her close relationship with Amazon, again partnering with the company to advertise her upcoming seventh studio album, Lover, by replacing a select few of Amazon’s signature brown cardboard boxes with ones that are Lover-themed.

The news first broke when a Reddit user posted a photo of the Lover Amazon boxes stacked with different sizes. The boxes are printed with pink-and-blue clouds and display a photo of the singer herself, which will appear on the album’s cover.

One Twitter user asked Amazon if the rumor is true, and they replied in the affirmative. However, the boxes are sent at random, so there’s no use in ordering an unnecessary item in hopes of cultivating a special-edition Lover-themed box. “[T]here is is no guarantee you will receive a box with your purchase,” said Amazon’s customer service Twitter account.

So far, a few Taylor fans have received the themed boxes.

Amazon isn’t the only way Taylor is promoting her upcoming album. The pop icon recently invited a select number of superfans for an exclusive first listen of her album.

Lover is out 8/23 via Republic. Pre-order it here.