Lady Gaga Finally Speaks Out About Her Stolen Dogs: ‘My Heart Is Sick’

It’s been a brutal week for Lady Gaga.

The Chromatica singer (and presidential Inauguration performer) was targeted by robbers two days ago, who shot her dog walker and stole two of her three beloved bulldogs. Gaga was focused on making sure the walker, Ryan Fischer, got the care he needs and was going to make a full recovery, so her father went on Fox News and asked fans to help the family “catch these creeps.” She has also made it clear that a $500,000 reward will be given indiscriminately to anyone who can return the pups, Koji and Gustav.

“My beloved dogs Koji and Gustav were taken in Hollywood two nights ago,” Gaga wrote on Twitter. “My heart is sick and I am praying my family will be whole again with an act of kindness. I will pay $500,000 for their safe return. Email to contact us. If you bought or found them unknowingly, the reward is the same. I continue to love you Ryan Fischer, you risked your life to fight for our family. You’re forever a hero.”

This kind of crime is horrific, particularly because it seems to be a calculated attack on Gaga herself. Here’s hoping the dogs are found and return unharmed as soon as possible.