Channing Tatum Will Play A Stripper

We know Channing Tatum as a few things: the hardest twerkin’ actor in show biznass, a producer, and a former stripper (PEEP THE VIDEO, HOMEY). Now, he’s putting that all together into one slightly burnt package. Tatum recently pitched the idea for a movie about his years as a male exotic dancer and Steven Soderbergh absolutely loves it. Magic Mike will feature Tatum as a male stripper who teaches a young male stripper the ropes and will reflect his own experiences in the business.

According to The Hollywood Reporter:

“When Channing talked to me about this, I thought it was one of the best ideas I’d ever heard for a movie. I said I wanted in immediately. It’s sexy, funny and shocking. We’re using Saturday Night Fever as our model, so hopefully we’re on the right track,” Soderbergh said in a statement.

Added Tatum, “This was a wild and pivotal time in my life and I couldn’t be more thrilled to go down the rabbit hole with Steven.”

Unfortunately, I spoke with Channing, or C-Tates as he prefers I call him, and he claims that he was misquoted. Here’s an email that he sent me earlier today…

BIZZY BIZZY B TO DA URNZEEEEEEEE, my negro from another shegro. What it is, son? You still waxin’ dat Blake Lively ass, playboy? Haha, you da man, beeyotch. So yo, check dis sh*t, son. I ain’t say nuthin bout goin down no rabbit hole, dig? I said we wuz goin to da Rabbit Hole. It’s a tittee bar in Alabam, heard? Steven was all like, Yo C-Tates, I wanna make a movie wit u, and I was like, Yo S-Bergh, we should call it Ocean’s 14… INCHEZ! And dat cracka laughed like a mutha f*cka because I’M F*CKIN’ FUNNY, SON WHAT!

Yo check it, I’m doin’ some standup next week, right? Wanna hear my sh*t? What’s da deal wit airline peanuts, yo? More like airline DEEZ NUTZ! YO MY NAME IS C-TATEZ AND I’M OUT! TIP YO MUTHA F*CKIN WAITRESS!