Morning Links With Delicious Irony

As a Jeep owner, I find very little humor in this photo. As an a-hole, I’ve giggled quite a bit.

REMINDER FOR LA-AREA DRUNKARDS: Me (Vince) and Joe King will be doing some stand-up tonight at Bar Lubitsch on Santa Monica. Other legit dudes performing include Pete Holmes, Jacob Siroff, Jennifer Hartnett, and Alejandro Ansoleaga. |ComradesofComedy|

The UPROXX Guide To Television’s 20 Most Lethal Show Killers |UPROXX|

Graphic Designer Dad Gives His Daughter An Ewok Adventure |Gamma Squad|

‘Always Sunny’ Bloopers Are the Best |Warming Glow|

Abduction is getting Bucky Larson’d |Film Drunk|

Sgt. Slaughter Plays Bud Guitar, Defeats Monster Truck, Is 1980s Awesome
|With Leather|

The Boardwalk Empire board game. |ScreenJunkies|

It Really Is A Cole World: Who’s Responsible For J. Cole’s Album Leak?
|Smoking Section|

18 Products Just As “Offensive” As Schweddy Balls Ice Cream |Buzzfeed|

Steve-O breaks his nose on Mike Tyson’s fist |FARK|

Great Cast! Terrible Movie! 10 Awful Movies Despite the Awesome Talent
Involved |Pajiba|

Billy Ray Cyrus’ emo douche kid probably knocked his girlfriend up. | The Superficial |

A fake (dead on) interview with Ryan Gosling. | Videogum |

Two things I love collide: Gary Shandling and Pizza Hut. | Mental Floss |

Rare footage of Tupac and Biggie getting jiggy with it. | The Daily What |

8 local show knockouts that you’ve never seen. | Cage Potato |

Watching people pee themselves is a new popular YouTube trend. | Dog and Pony Show |

(Banner image via Reddit.)