Man can't stop laughing after surgery, wife seems less amused

I’m not sure what’s funnier, this guy who woke up from hip surgery three years ago and has been laughing uncontrollably ever since, or the fact that his wife is so annoyed by it. Poor lady. It’s probably like living your whole life with a Two and a Half Men studio audience. I don’t blame him though. He’s speaking Dutch. Everything sounds preposterously silly in Dutch. You’d have to be German not to laugh at that shit. |Reddit|

Great show at the Ice House last night! Sucks if you missed it, but come out to Bar Lubitsch tonight to see me and Joe King. Or tomorrow night to see me, Pauly, and Maria Bamford. OR BOTH! F*ck it! You only live once, hombre! |Events|

Will Ferrell’s most internet-bait moments. |Uproxx|

Fur real tho, check out our interview with Workaholics co-creator Connor Pritchard on this week’s Frotcast. It’s one of our best. |Frotcast|

Interview with Community writer Megan Ganz. I want to see behind that table so bad. |WarmingGlow|

Kris Humphries did stuff again. Look, mostly I just like this caption. |WithLeather|

Metacritic is a jerk. |GammaSquad|

Top 5 movies where someone swaps bodies with a dog. I’m so pissed I didn’t think of this feature. They missed this Gary Busey one, by the way. |Buzzfeed|

Chris Brown sings about how he misses f*cking Rihanna on her new songs. These musicians today with their fancy metaphors, just say what you mean! |TheSuperficial|

Gillian Anderson used to lezz out with other hot ladies. |Videogum|

Stoned Ewok Dog pretty much changed my life. |TheDailyWhat|

101 gifs from Community. |ScreenJunkies|

The only three women in Bruce Springsteen songs. |Nerve|

The five greatest St. Paddy’s Day cocktails. |ModernMan|

Gina Marie McCool is McCool about almost showing her boobs to everyone. |GorillaMask|

A 3-step guide to drinking alone on St. Paddy’s Day. |HolyTaco|

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